Seasonal Florals
We have professionally designed flowers available seasonally for most major calendar events, such as Christmas, Valentine’s, and Mother’s Day, as well as through the growing season from spring through summer. You can get your hands on our flowers through pre-ordering or shopping our roadside Flower Stand. Our focus is on nature-inspired designer bouquets and arrangements made from our farm that celebrate seasonality. Bookmark our South Langley Flower Stand page for up-to-date openings and closures. Sign up for our newsletter to be the first to hear about seasonal pre-orders in our online shop.
Fresh Eggs
Our hens are fed a certified organic feed and we do not medicate them. They spend their time on our farm roaming happily with plenty of pasture to dig in and eat. This means that our eggs are more nutritious than eggs laid by hens that live in confinement. Eggs that you buy from us contain less cholesterol and saturated fat, more beta carotene, more folic acid, more vitamins A, D, & E, and more omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Eggs are $8/dozen; email us to arrange pickup from the farm.

Farm Impact + Husbandry Ethics
We select for health, hardiness, temperament, production and physical conformation in all of our breeding stock for the purpose of breed improvement. We avoid routine deworming and medicating our animals. We use integrated pest managment for beneficials for our crops and we incorporate our farm-produced animal manures to fertilize our soils, keeping a dynamic cycle of nutrients through the animal and plant components of our farm. Our property includes a non-salmon-bearing riparian zone that we protect the integrity of for the benefit of our farm ecosystem.

About Us
We are Steve (outdoor afficianado, builder and fixer of all things farm) and Marie (flower farm kid turned floral designer turned work-at-home mom and farmer florist) and our three farmhands. Our children are still very young but they participate fully in our farm activities and their responsibilities continue to grow just as they do! They take their jobs very seriously and these include: helping to collect eggs, transplanting, harvesting flowers, bringing the grain rations out to our lactating does, and most importantly, playing with the goat kids and exploring the beautiful natural setting of our farm. Our farm focuses are: florals that celebrate season and place, Nigeriand Dwarf goats for our own dairy, and pastured laying hens for delicious fresh eggs. We are located in pastoral south Langley, British Columbia, Canada.

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